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Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut - 0-400-0 km/h in 27.83 Seconds (New World Record)

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Some other times from the video:

0-400 km/h in 18.82 seconds

400-0 km/h in 9.01 seconds

0-250-0 mph in 28.27 seconds

0-250 mph in 19.20 seconds

250-0 mph in 9.07 seconds

Absolutely absurd.

Top Comment:

First the Regera took it from the Nevera (while being comparatively ancient), now the Jesko takes THAT record. Fantastic people (and cars!) at Koenigsegg!

Now, Koenigsegg.... you know what we all want. Bring us that top speed run!

July 2, 2024 | Forum: r/cars

H: Private World W: Someone To pickaxe grind with me

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I’ll host need you to know the spawns

Top Comment: Trader +Karma Cake Day u/Last_Garden7640 Reddit: 247 09/12/2021 - 2 Years IGN: ApAcHeOvErLoRd7 Discord: 0 Total: +247 Karma

Trade Safely!! Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned!

Comment with the !courier command to call a Market 76 Courier

Courier List | Blacklist | Report to Mods

June 16, 2024 | Forum: r/Market76

Controversial H-World resurfaces

Main Post: Controversial H-World resurfaces

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July 11, 2022 | Forum: r/Philippines

Monster Hunter World vs Monster Hunter Rise - Which is the better game?

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Monster Hunter World:

Monster Hunter Rise:

Someone did a decent breakdown of the differences and quality of life changes (NOT my words):

"Here are my thoughts after playing for 40 hours:

Pros of Rise compared to World:

  • Faster movement thanks to wirebugs and doggos
  • better combat thanks to the addition of wirebug moves
  • better loading times; in fact you can travel between areas instantly and there isn't even a loading screen when joining an online lobby
  • better hub layout; World improved with Iceborn but the default hub was horrible
  • better combination of the gathering hub and the SOS system
  • no more footprints collecting
  • better clarity on things like monster weaknesses and drops
  • better base roster of monsters at launch with favorites like Zinogre, Tigrex and Nargacuga being in from day one
  • wyvern riding is very cool
  • way better weapon design that is more in line with the old MH games
  • no decoration farming (screw those Attack jewels)
  • online HR hunts feel a lot more challenging than in World (minus tempered monsters) so far

Cons of Rise compared to World:

  • worse story; I know the story in MH games isn't important but the story in World was pretty good for the franchise and Rise had so much potential with the Japanese setting
  • the areas feel very bland compared to the ones in World but that's very subjective I suppose
  • no investigations for easy material farming and monster hunting in general
  • no daily/weekly login bonus for easy access to rare materials
  • no creature collecting to display in your house
  • village quests and online quests are separated once again

That's pretty much all I can think of right now. Overall I'd say it's just as good as World, better in some areas and worse in other areas."

QoL changes (NOT my words):

"There are a lot of QoL changes in Rise.

Whetstones are unlimited, pickaxes and fishing rods are always in your inventory. Picking up certain items automatically changes them to usable items such as Herb to potion.

Hot drinks and cold drinks are no longer needed. You will always see the location of large monsters directly on the map."

Which do you think is the better game?

Top Comment:

no more footprints collecting

You will always see the location of large monsters directly on the map."

Its called monster hunter, but yeah lets not actually hunt the fucking monster.

April 6, 2021 | Forum: r/MonsterHunter

Should I play World in 2021??

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I’ve been thinking about playing Monster Hunter world since early 2020 but I never did. I don’t have a switch so I can’t play Rise. Do you guys think World is worth playing currently in 2021 ? Is it fun still? I’ve never played a monster Hunter game before.

Top Comment:

Absolutely worth it. Coming in late just means that you have a whole wealth of fellow hunters with many an hour of experience. We will always be glad to accept another member to the fifth fleet.

July 5, 2020 | Forum: r/MonsterHunterWorld